November 12, 2009


Finally, I went and visit Edir in the hospital. I went there w Azraa & Lyn, thanks cs you guys keep me company for the whole day. Right after I parked my car in the parking lot, I can feel my heartbeat is getting faster. It has been 25 days since the last time he saw me right in front of his face and talked w me. God, I'm superbly excited but at the same time I do feel the nerve in my stomach -.- So I called her mum to inform that I'm already there, so her mum ask me to find the Menara Utama and reach the 5th Floor, which is Wad Neuro Sains. The name is quite exotic/freaky for me act and honestly, I hate being in the hospital. But for him, what the hell right ;) We reached the 5th Floor and the minute I stepped in into the ward, I felt that I don't have the strength yet to see him.

Asked Azraa & Lyn how many times did I stop right before reaching his bed. His bed is right over the corner and it's a long way to go there. The time I almost reached his bed, I stopped AGAIN and cried ! Only god knows how much I missed him. So I pulled off all my strength and here I go, went to his bed, seeing his mum trying to talked w him and tell him who's here. At first, he doesn't looked me at all. I tried to hold my tears but I'm too weak to do that. After a few minutes, w the same condition I tried to think positive and tell his mum I'll go downstairs and eat first. His mum said okay then and I should come back again after that which I totally will do ! I walked very fast out from the ward and after I stepped out from there I sat on a chair and started to break down . .

I can't hold back my tears anymore. It's just too hard to do that. A few minutes then, we went to the cafe but none of us are eating. I just can't stop thinking of what happen and those great memories w him, flashed back right in front of my eyes. Azraa & Lyn said that he's sulking w me cause it's almost a month he never saw me. Maybe that's true, mengada betul :p Sakit pun nk merajuk, haihh. It's quite cute though (: After I had gather all my strength back, we went up again but this time was diff. Before I went to see him again, I had my prays and this was the time where I get all my strength back. I can act feel the diff before & after. So this is it, I put the best smile on my face and sees him again. At first the reaction was the same but then his mum said, right after I left just now, he said that "Ayu nk muntah td". Because the time I cried, I closed my mouth and he taught I wanna puke ;p I laughed and I feel that I'm loosing up, so as him. And he tell his mum that he's shy to see me, so adorable ! :D

So after he's kinda awake, his mum asked him which one was me (: As the normal Khaidir, he loved to fooling around. So he make a peace sign again and again and lastly, he pointed at me :') Which makes me v v happy. Sometimes, he can talked and communicate w others but sometimes he'll just smile. Azraa and Lyn did try and talked w him and all. Mhm it's hard for me to watch his mum fell asleep right beside his bed. I definitely understand that it is way harder for his mum to watch his son this way. Day and night constantly watched him and make sure there's nothing wrong around him. I gave Edir eat and drink too, and thank god he's not sulking w me anymore :) The time his mum went to solat, he hold warmly my hand (': I can feel the diff and I act can feel he really held my hand. By evening, there's Mien, Ikram, Yaya, Aiman and this guy came and visit Edir too. They talked and fooling around w Edir and it is so relieving to watched him laughed and talked.

By 4, we have to go out from the ward cause it's the time for the doctor and nurses to do their work. We can visit back by 5, so all of us went down to the cafe and chilled there, talking & sharing stories. It's been awhile since we met each other. Sharp 5 o'clock, we went back to his ward but this time there's his aunt and 2 uncles. So now I know that quite a number of his family knows my name. That is suprising ! Chat, laugh, smile and tears again (: By 5.30 pm, Mien Ikram and others are heading back home. So that leaves me and the girls. I remember this one time, his uncle asked him to wait for his dad and said "Edir sayang papa ?". He answered, "Sayang !". Then, his uncle asked again, "Sayang mama ?". He said, "Lagi sayang !". And he did smiled ! :') Then again and again asking that does he love his family members and lastly his uncle asked him, "Sayang Idayu ?" And the answer absolutely make my day yesterday. He answered, "Lagi sayang !" (': And we laughed again so as him. 6 pm, it is time for me to go home. Berat hati but there's still another day. I'm having my sem break for 5 weeks so I'll visit him again and again.

God, this really make me realize how much I missed him. All this while, the tears are worth it. I don't even care what others might think, I really don't. Just stop making nonsense stories about him and please don't tell me. I really don't want to know. I know him better than you guys. Mhm just get well soon okay sayang ? You dpt Politeknik Shah Alam, in Business Management (: Get well, be back home and you can further your study which you wanted so much remember ? There's nothing to worry, people around you are always and constantly praying for your speedy recovery. So people, this is part of the first day after 25 days we haven't really met each other :') Thanks for reading, till the next time then !

With love, Ayu

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